Saturday, January 3, 2009

American Singer Canaries now available in Western Canada

I have been around canaries for well over a decade and I can say without reservation that the American Singer canary is by far the most stunning vocalist I have ever encountered. I asked a fellow breeder many years ago what was the best singer he had ever heard and without delay he replied, “The American Singer”. I had been breeding all types of canaries at the time but I did not become fully intrigued with them until about 5 years ago. I had been looking for a new project and I had started to read up on the American Singer. I decided to try a pair so I contacted Albert Montanaro in Hamilton, Ont to see if he knew of a breeder in Western Canada. Well as it turns out there are no breeders to speak of west of Toronto, at least not in Canada.

Closer birds are available but getting U.S. birds into Canada can be tremendously difficult. It was not my intention to breed American Singers but I found it a shame that they were not readily available to other Western Canadians so I went to Toronto and picked up several breeding pairs from Marcel Ferrazzi. I must comment on the breeders that have assisted me thus far; Marie Miley-Russell, Albert Montanaro & Marcel Ferrazzi have been excellent resources for any queries. I have a link to Marie’s page on this blog; I suggest you check it out. It is full of great information.

I have a spare bed in my bird room, which is neatly decorated, my wife often finds me in there sound asleep. Their song is quite soothing, the volume is perfect, I stroll in there to check on them and find myself waking up several hours later, it’s as though someone spiked my tea.

I am what one might call an extreme hobbyist, I fly, ham (amateur) radio, mechanics…but the American Singer Canary is by far the most relaxing hobby of them all.

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